Employee Authentication Features

Manager Aided Verification

Enlist a manager to confirm their employee's identity.

ID Verification

Scan and verify a government-issued ID and compare the photo with a selfie.

Email Verification

Verify identity through access to a registered email address.

Phone Verification

Verify identity through proving access to a registered phone number.

Custom Verification Questions

Create a custom challenge, like asking for a work badge ID number.

Compliance-Ready Audit Trails

Automatically ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards.

Manager Aided Verification

Empowers organizations to request an employee's manager to verify their identity either in person or via video call, ensuring a high level of trust and security.

Manager Verification

ID Verification

Allows for the scanning and verification of government-issued IDs, comparing the ID photograph with a live selfie to confirm identity authentically.

ID Verification

Email Verification

Confirms an individual's identity by verifying access to a specific email address, adding an additional layer of security to the authentication process.

Email Verification

Phone Verification

Similar to email verification, this method ensures the person's identity by confirming they have access to a specific phone number.

Phone Verification

Custom Verification Questions

Provides the flexibility to create custom challenge questions and answers, such as asking for an employee's work badge ID number, to verify identity uniquely and securely.

Custom Verification Questions

Compliance-Ready Audit Trails

Offers comprehensive audit trails that are ready for compliance checks, ensuring that all verification activities are logged and can be reviewed for regulatory adherence.

Compliance-Ready Audit Trails