Use Cases

When employees request IT support for actions like resetting their 2FA or elevating their privileges, there's a risk that their phone or email might have been hacked or stolen. Ensuring these requests are legitimate is crucial for maintaining security. Without a robust verification process, unauthorized access could lead to data breaches or other security incidents.

Implementing an out-of-band employee verification tool can help mitigate this risk. This tool verifies the authenticity of such requests through a secondary communication channel, asking challenge questions, or asking a manager to verify their identity, ensuring that only legitimate requests are processed. By doing so, it enhances security and protects your organization's sensitive data from potential threats.

Out-of-Band Authentication

Out-of-Band Authentication (OOBA) is a security process that uses two separate networks or channels to verify the identity of an employee. The primary goal of OOBA is to add an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access or perform fraudulent transactions since compromising both channels simultaneously is significantly harder than compromising a single one.

OOBA is widely used in financial services, online payments, and any system where security is a paramount concern. It is particularly effective against phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, and other forms of online fraud, as these attacks typically compromise only one channel at a time.

Employee Account Recovery

In scenarios where employees are locked out of their accounts, due to:

AuthDuty provides a secure and efficient account recovery process.

Utilizing Custom Verification Questions, Manager Aided Verification, and Government Issued ID Verification, sending a verification code to a pre-registered email or phone number, AuthDuty offers a multifaceted approach to validate the employee’s identity beyond just the standard recovery questions. This not only ensures that employees regain access to their accounts swiftly but also maintains the integrity and security of the company’s data, preventing unauthorized access.

Social Engineering Prevention

AuthDuty offers a robust solution for preventing CEO Fraud and other types of social engineering, like phishing scam where attackers impersonate company executives to deceive employees into transferring money or divulging sensitive information. By leveraging features like Email Verification and Custom Verification Questions, AuthDuty ensures that requests for financial transactions or confidential data undergo an additional layer of scrutiny.

Remote Work Verification

Verifying the identity of remote employees during onboarding or access provisioning to company resources. Manager-aided verification and government ID verification ensure that the person being onboarded is indeed who they claim to be, even in remote settings.

Secure Access to Physical Spaces

Companies and co-working spaces require secure methods to verify individuals before granting access to physical locations. Manager-aided verification and custom verification questions can be used as part of physical access control systems to ensure that only authorized individuals gain entry.

Compliance and Audit Readiness

Companies need to demonstrate compliance with various regulatory requirements related to identity verification. Compliance-ready audit trails ensure that all verification actions are logged and can be reviewed for compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, or SOC 2.